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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Java Server Faces

JavaServer Faces (JSF) is a Java-based Web application framework intended to simplify development integration of web-based user interfaces.

JSF is a request-driven MVC web framework based on component driven UI design model, using XML files called view templates or Facelets views. Requests are processed by the FacesServlet, which loads the appropriate view template, builds a component tree, processes events, and renders the response (typically HTML) to the client. 

The state of UI components (and some other objects) is saved at the end of each request (called stateSaving (note: transient true)), and restored upon next creation of that view. Several types of state-saving are available, including Client-side and Server-side state saving.

 Out of the box, JSF 1.x uses JavaServer Pages (JSP) for its display technology, but can also accommodate other technologies (such as XUL and Facelets). JSF 2 uses Facelets by default for this purpose. Facelets is a more efficient, simple, and yet more powerful view description language (VDL).

To Download MyFaces package visit this link

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